Paul Goddard moved to New Zealand from the UK in 2003 and has since set up and run his own business in the immigration industry. His passion is helping other people make a successful move abroad and he’s lucky enough to be working for one of the largest and most experienced immigration teams in the industry at Migration Planners.
Emigrating is one of the most life-changing events you can experience and Paul is now helping hundreds of people make that big move through his company. If only he knew back in 2003 what he knows now, he would have done things differently and had access to a lot more support. Paul says his move was exciting, scary and he constantly questioned his decision to emigrate, which he now views as natural in retrospect!
Furthermore, the BBC filmed his move for the TV programme “Get A New Life” and he also recently wrote the book “A New Life In New Zealand”. The book offers a snapshot of his first 12 months living in the country whilst focusing on the experiences and the emotions he went through on a day-to day basis. He would finish work and then come home and spend an hour or so each evening sharing his thoughts and feelings on the new life he was creating for himself.
There are so many books written about emigrating that the facts and figures are there for anyone to find, should they choose to look. Using the internet to do research is making the process of emigrating even easier. In fact, it makes you wonder how people ever emigrated before the internet existed. Paul’s Ebook package offers honest advice about what it is like to make the move, as well as insights and tips on navigating the immigration process. This advice and support is essential if you are serious about a move to New Zealand or Australia.
Paul has just finished writing a follow up to “A New Life In New Zealand” and this new book will offer the benefit of hindsight and the knowledge he has gained both as a migrant who has successfully settled, and as a licensed immigration adviser. The new book “Planning a New Life Down Under” contains useful info about the immigration process for New Zealand and Australia so do feel free to ">email Paul and he would be happy to help you.
PSS are the UK’s first choice for moving overseas and we have successfully helped thousands of customers move to many destinations throughout the world, including New Zealand.
Please take a look at the relevant page on our website for more detailed information about our migration services to New Zealand.